Courage To Hope-Episode 82-Michael Courage To Hope-Episode 82-Michael
todayApril 26, 2024
ABC/Heidi Gutman
Bon Jovi is looking back at their 40-year career with the new four-part docuseries Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story, and front man Jon Bon Jovi tells ABC Audio he’s very proud of the final product.
“Overall, it’s a very emotional piece, to see your life flash before your eyes,” he says. “You’re showing everything. You’re putting all your cards on the table.”
As for why he felt now was the right time for such an in-depth look at the band, Jon says, “I just felt that it was an opportunity for us to mark the first 40 years and to look back while I’m looking ahead.”
There’s no doubt Bon Jovi’s devoted fan base will tune in to watch — and while some may think they know all there is to know about the group, Jon thinks there’s still a lot fans can learn about how the band got to where they are today.
“I think that folks think that these songs fall out of the sky, and then we just do things,” he says. “There’s a lot of hard work that goes into making it look easy.”
But will this documentary bring a new set of fans to Bon Jovi? Jon’s not so sure.
“That’s what’s interesting about putting a documentary out,” he says. “Even if you have a perception of something, how it’s then viewed and perceived by others is completely out of your control.”
Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story premieres Friday, April 26, on Hulu.
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todayFebruary 12, 2025
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